Pastoral and Stephen Ministry Visitation

If you know of someone in our congregation who needs a visit, please contact the church office (828) 459-2161. You may also call Pastor Gary (828) 781-3060, Pastor Paul (828) 409-4681, or Stephen Ministers, Rocky Miller (828) 459-1219 and Chris Cloninger (828) 464-1057.

  • A Prayer of Martin Luther

    Behold, Lord, we are an empty vessel that needs to be filled.

    Our Lord, fill it. We are weak in the faith; strengthen us.

    We are cold in love; warm us and make us fervent,

    that our love may go out to our neighbors.

    We do not have a strong and firm faith;

    at times we doubt and are unable to trust you altogether.

    O Lord, help us. Strengthen our faith and trust in you.

    In you we have sealed the treasure of all we are and have.

    We are poor; you are rich and came to be merciful to the poor.

    We are sinners; you are upright.

    With us, there is an abundance of sin;

    in you is the fullness of righteousness.

    Therefore, we will remain with you, of whom we can receive,

    but to whom we may not give.