Women of the Elca

Who are the Women of the ELCA?

We are the women in the congregation who meet at the church for a Bible study. We are the women who attend conference gatherings in the spring and fall and serve together. We are students, workers and retirees. We are sisters and mothers. We are young, and old. We come together to form a unique and powerful organization. We are a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Tamarah Hefner is the President of St. Mark's Women of the ELCA.



Click here for the NC Women of the ELCA website.

St. Mark's Preschool

It is such a joy to open our church doors to the smiling faces of so many eager 3 and 4 year olds. St. Mark's Preschool is in its 14th year of nurturing and preparing 3 and 4 year olds for Kindergarten. The 3 year olds come to preschool Tuesday through Thursday and the 4 year olds come Monday through Thursday from 9am - noon.

Our preschool is based on teaching a developmentally age appropriate curriculum to the children and meeting their social and emotional needs. We want to establish a firm foundation as we prepare them for Kindergarten in a loving, caring, Christian environment.

St. Mark's Preschool offers a curriculum that will introduce concepts and skills such as social interaction, self esteem, manners, respect for others, and good health habits. The preschool program also works on art projects, music activities, songs, finger plays, story time, Bible stories, computer, calendar time, colors, shapes, numbers, alphabet, and sharing. Other extra curricular activities include: Chapel, Science Center, Art Museum, Risk Watch (safety), Stretch N Grow and field trips.

St. Mark's has a very loving and caring preschool staff. They are very interested in the children and making their time at preschool a wonderful learning experience. Contact our Director, Randyl Abernathy for more information (828-459-2873 or stmarkspreschool@charter.net).